The University of Texas at Dallas
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July 2021

What Does Night Tell Us

By Despy Boutris

of heroes            of their bravery
of the way buildings in quakes            sway like trees
in breeze            threatening collapse           
like the sun hiding            behind nimbi
and light            gets lost            in the fog
the streetlights’ glow            brightening this haze
as you walk            along the gravel road
thinking about the night            how it falls
how we fall            and what’s heroic
and what’s brave            about falling
about swaying            the darkness
all these pine needles            falling           
all this silence            this stillness
nothing            to look at            but our hands

About Despy Boutris

Despy Boutris’s writing has been published or is forthcoming in AGNIPloughsharesCopper NickelColorado ReviewAmerican Poetry ReviewThe Gettysburg ReviewCrazyhorse, and elsewhere. Currently, she teaches at the University of Houston and serves as Editor-in-Chief of The West Review.